Why We Do… Crescent Moon Pose

Why We Do… Crescent Moon Pose

Crescent Moon pose is sometimes called Low Lunge pose, or Crescent Lunge Pose. Called Anjaneyasana in Sanskrit it is a powerful yoga pose which helps us develop poise and balance. “Anjaneya” is one of the names of the deity, Hanuman (see more at...
Why We Do… Pigeon Pose

Why We Do… Pigeon Pose

Pigeon pose is a favourite of many in class.  A long luxurious stretch which allows you to let go of a ton of tension around the buttocks. There are numerous variations of this yoga asana, but the one we tend to do for a few minutes on each side is shown above. In...
Why We Do… Tree Pose

Why We Do… Tree Pose

Tree Pose, called Vrksasana in Sanskrit is one of the classic hatha yoga poses that I incorporate into my yoga classes. Challenging, and fun (especially if you get a bit wobbly) Tree Pose reminds us that rigidity isn’t the best way to approach life. Trees...
Garudasana:  Eagle Pose benefits

Garudasana: Eagle Pose benefits

  One of the most elegant yoga poses, Garudasana, has numerous benefits. An article on hubpages gives great photos and great descriptions of the pose. “Practiced as a full pose, garudasana targets all four limbs for strengthening, stretching, and toning. In...

Swimming Is A Great Stress-Buster

I love swimming, and I always feel better after a few lengths, a bit of time in the jacuzzi afterwards 🙂 A new study, commissioned by swimwear manufacturers, Speedo, would seem to indicate I’m not the only one. Examiner.com reports; “The results of this...

10 Minute Yoga Routine for Weight Loss Video

Here’s a nice 10 minute routine to practice along with. A great way to start your day, or to unwind after a day at work and help you de-stress. Doing a routine like this 3 or 4 times per week, along with a regular, longer, class is a great way to ensure you get...

Study Shows Yoga Can Help Stroke Patients

The Scotsman newspaper reports that a study in the US shows that yoga helps stroke patients improve their self-confidence and balance. It reports; “US doctors followed a 50-strong group of patients who took part in yoga classes to assess if it helped improve...